

Nikolai Aljuri

Co-Founder, President & CEO

Procept BioRobotics


Dr. Aljuri is the principal architect of the AquaBeam System and its core Aquablation technology. Prior to the formation of PROCEPT he invented and developed the Chartis collateral ventilation assessment technology at Pulmonx that facilitated an effective therapeutic treatment for emphysema. At the NASA Center for Quantitative Cardiovascular Physiology and Data Analysis he worked on the physiologic implications for astronauts in the manned space mission to Mars. Dr. Aljuri has a Dipl.-Ing. in electrical engineering from the Universität Fridericiana zu Karlsruhe (KIT) in Germany and holds a Ph.D. in Medical Physics from the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).